Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You Ain't That Special Blog Article & Show Info


If only we were born with a set of instructions … a normal sense of survival … not like a clump of clay to be molded … not an impressionable mind that will latch onto beliefs that feed into the ego, the self … just simple things that are whispered into your subconscious. I wish someone would have just told me that I wasn’t that special. Yes, it’s hard to swallow that you are not special; it sounds weird doesn’t it. The reality is that you … me … even rest in peace … the Mother Teresa was no more special than the other woman. Women are conditioned to believe they are princesses … queens … our knight and shining armor is going to protect us. When that’s not reality, we breakdown … we cry … we ask why me … exhibit destructive behavior. I have come to think “why not me.” Why not me if I decide to go against that bit of commonsense that has developed inside of me through living and experiencing the trial and error of life. Why not me when I decided to make illogical decisions. I believed I didn’t deserve everything bad that happened to me but I did deserve it. The sad part is that I want to be special. I want others to see me as special. I don’t understand why the only men that view me as special are already commited. I wonder why the eligible men look at me as a nice thrill ride. So … I still wonder why me … even in light of me understanding "why not me" … why am I always the victim?

Tune in this Sunday @4pm (est) to “Chronicles of a Single Woman” @ www.blogtalkradio.com/chronicles for “You Ain’t That Special” show.

SHOW HIGHLIGHT: In summary, if you keep making the same irrational decisions and choices, why do you feel you are "so special” that you should NOT reap the consequences of these REPEATED irrational decisions and choices … hmm … think about it … cause we sure as heck talked about it!


Anonymous said...

The blog was very interesting. You should consider yourself a princess or a queen or what have you because that's what you are. You shouldn't be looking for anyone to give you confirmation that you are, just know it for yourself. It's unfortunate, but we as women ALLOW ourselves to be victim's. Therefore, there's no one to blame but self. However, that's not a reason to put yourself down, or be depressed about it either. We as women need to become more stronger than we are now. We are so weak and the men who come in contact with a weak woman can smell her a mile away! That's why we fall victim. But at the same time, it's up to us to take time out for ourselves sometime and think about what we can do to become a stronger woman. Some women jump from one relationship to another and never have taken the time to be to themselves. In my opinion, women should stop looking for a man and let the man come to them. That's one of the faults that we have. When you go searching for someone, you tend to get something that is not for you. Let it come to you and be PATIENT! I know it may get lonely sometimes, but would you rather have lonely compared to someone who doesn't care for you like you want them to? It's a choice that you have to make! I'll take lonely any day if it means getting my self-worth back.

rnbhiphoprockstar said...

At first glance at the title of this blog I didn't know what to make of it, but since I read it, it all makes sense, you are no different than any other woman in that aspect, but at the same time you are special because you deserve to be loved and admired like the Queens that you are.

(o DREA o) said...

I agree with the "You Ain't That Special" but my flip to it would be that "I may Not Be That Special , but I Am Unique."

We are all not that special and will never be the center of attention for everyone, But we re not supposed to be, if we were we would be traeted the same and given the same opportuinties and approached with the same things. The fact that we are not that special but Unique is the difference. We are queens, Princesses - just not the same type.
As Anonymous said - you don't need confirmation of how special you are because your Uniquie qualities sets you apart from all others which makes you great. The fact that you wanted to people to see you as special was the issue, just try being yourself which is unique and then maybe you would get the attention you should.
What is special anyway?!
Try not to be so special and just try being your unique wonderful self and you'll find out your just that great afterall.

Unknown said...

this is so so so good and tru! OMG....

Lyric said...

It seems for most of us, we were raised to value ourselves. At times we tendto take this value a little to far,so we set ourselvs up for some of the biggest let downs that life can give us. Being special is a great thing, but how special you are may only bear importance to you yourself. We as women, especially African American women need to understand that our ideals of grandur may only be importanat to us and the persons those ideals directly effect. This waas a great thought provoking peice, I wish I could find the words to say more.